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Discipleship Journeys

For clients in need of a comprehensive discipleship program, APE Alternative will leverage inSPIRE Channels to offer solutions using content from their platform. Created by Donna Lamothe, this online collection of cutting edge resources intentionally explores the discipleship journey from a uniquely wholistic perspective.

Individuals & Groups

Available in English

inSPIRE Channels

Each area of life is connected, with one affecting each of the others. It’s with this reality in mind that inSPIRE Channels approaches your personal growth in Jesus. God is invested in us being fully whole, and fully alive, and so we can expect to encounter him in a holistic way. With flexible and engaging video content and downloadable PDF guides, discover what God has for you Spiritually, Physically, Intellectually, Relationally, and Emotionally. Featuring tracks ideal for individuals and groups, inSPIRE Channels assist all who are seeking to live “The Great Commandment” like never before: to love God with all 5 areas of your life (Mark 12: 29-31), and attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13).

Available in English & French

inSPIRE Retreats

Using content from inSPIRE Channels, APE also runs 2 and 7 day long retreats for existing small groups or individuals looking to meet and grow together with others. Throughout this Biblically-grounded journey, powerful activities create opportunities for group members to connect profoundly and form lasting bonds. Even after the journey ends, the inSPIRE relationships that you've formed can help you and support you as you take your next steps.

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Churches, Ministries & Denominations

Available in English & French

inSPIRE Journey Seminar

Encounter the vision and impact of the transformational inSPIRE resources and how they can work for you in a 1/2 day seminar - hosted by APE Founder Rick Lamothe.

  • Explore how the 5 greatest needs of humanity versus our 5 greatest regrets, are linked to the 5 greatest areas of our lives (the SPIRE), and how we should be loving God with ALL of who we are!
  • Similar to how the well known “Alpha” course was the front door to Evangelism, discover how the inSPIRE journey is the “Omega” to Discipleship
  • Learn how you can lead your entire organization on a transformational holistic discipleship journey!