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Vision & Mission

Many well-intentioned and God-breathed initiatives launch well but are eventually tripped up by personal and corporate problems. There are many kinds: sinful strongholds, family of origin issues, unbiblical church and denominational “traditions”, cultural and geographical mismatches, pouring strategic “new wines” into “old wineskins” without realizing it, and strategies and staff structures that do not match the vision and mission of an initiative. How can the church be freed from these "cages"? Enter APE Alternative.


The greatest invitation of Christ to His “Bride” is to be built up (Ephesians 4:12) into “a display of His splendour” (Isaiah 61:3), and walk in freedom (Galatians 5:1).

It has a choice (John 10:10) to love God with all she is (Mark 12:29-31), and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13).

Reaching this goal can’t be done with just Pastors and Teachers.  The Church as a whole needs the alternative expressions of the Apostolic, Prophetic and Evangelistic gifts (A.P.E.) to break free from the cages that prevent it from being all it can be in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 4:11).


APE Alternative uses objective intervention to help leaders, churches, ministries and denominations “Seek, Find and Reach Out” (Acts 17:24,27) to God in greater ways so that all of God’s people can can experience greater “Wholeness, Freedom and Release” (Isaiah 61;1) from what has kept them captive!

  • A - Apostolic: a pioneering catalyst for God’s purposes;
  • P - Prophetic: a timely word for believers, the body of Christ;
  • E - Evangelistic: a needed word for unbelievers and seekers of the truth so that they can accept the invitation of Christ.

Connect with Rick

Book an Assessment Session today and begin your journey towards success.
